Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Lake

Living in the upper region of South Carolina, the beach is about three to five hours away. However, neighborhoods are filled with pools and lakes are anywhere from 40 minutes to five hours away. Today, my family and I ventured to Lake Jocassee for my brother's Boy Scout outing. Literally, it is one of the most beautiful lakes in our area.

Lake Jocasse-this picture can NOT capture the beauty.
My dad and brother where supposed to spend the night out there last night, however, due to the weather and lack of parking, they didn't feel comfortable leaving the boat in the lake overnight, so they drove home. (Please excuse that run-on sentence (:) They left ridiculously early in the morning today. My mother and I left around 9:40 after a quick breakfast and much discussion over the directions.

We arrived to an area of full of fathers, sons, and a few mothers scattered about. I was the only female under the age of 40 in our group. I took this as a sign that I should study. I, having thought ahead, busted out my AP US History (APUSH) book out of LL Bean book bag and began to read/take notes. Three pages in, this boy starts to talk to me. (I can not, for the life of me, recall what his name is and I've met him twice.) He asks me what I'm doing and I say homework. He then asks, "Why? That's what Sunday's are for." I quickly inform him of the massive amount I have and that I'm working on Sunday. He gives me a weird look and says, "Nerd." Obviously.

Now, five minutes later, a man with a mustache who is a prominent leader in this troop tells me that "Homework is not allowed here." The same boy from before enjoys this idea and contributes to the theory by adding, "Hey! You grab her feet, I'll grab her arms."

I sigh, knowing it is all down hill from here. I am thrown in the water (thankfully, they thought to move my book/notes/pen before carrying me down to the water.) And let me tell you, I was not expecting the chill in the water. As a lifeguard, I am used to 80-90 degree water, not 70 degree water. Those ten degrees do, in fact, make a difference.

I then proceeded to spend my day in the water, slaloming, eating, driving a boat, and leisure reading. I went home, ran two miles, took a shower, ate left-over Thai food (red curry with chicken, brown rice, and vegetables), and am now deciding to get back to my homework.

Anyone else have a good weekend?

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